Published on: 3rd May, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #25


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Newsletter Welcome

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Year 1 – Church Visit ⛪

This week, we took our children to explore St George’s Church as part of our studies in Religious Education on religious buildings.

Year 4 RE A special visitor from Telford Central Mosque

Year 4 were lucky to meet Mrs Bhamji on Monday who taught us all about the 5 Pillars of Islam.  The children demonstrated our school values of respect, kindness and happiness throughout the talk. Well done, everyone!

Nursery become ‘super shakers’ to make butter!

This week in nursery we have been food producers for a couple of sessions. We all worked brilliantly as a ‘super shaking’ team to turn cream into butter. The children were amazed it changed from a liquid into spreadable butter that they could eat on some nice fresh bread! We then went for a walk around school to deliver our delicious bread and butter to some of the other wonderful people who help us in nursery.

Blogging in Year 6! 😊

Our computing topic this half term has been ‘Blogging’. The children have planned and developed their own blog page, adding their own posts and interacting with posts created by others. We have been really impressed by their work!



Year 5 Lifecycles Walk

On Friday afternoon, Year 5 took a stroll around a local lake to look for evidence of lifecycles. We saw lots of examples of plant lifecycles, ducks sitting on their nests and even some fluffly baby ducklings! All children were incredibly well behaved and thankfully it didn’t rain!

Reception are Growing Cress

This week we have been reading the story Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French. We have talked about growing vegetables and what all plants need to grow. We found out that cress doesn’t have to grow in soil as long as it is planted on something that can absorb water and be kept moist. We have started to grow some cress in school and are looking forward to observing the changes of the seed as it grows.


Congratulations to all of Year 4 who have been working hard on their times tables this morning.  You have all made so much progress and should feel very proud of yourselves. We are certainly proud of you all!  A special congratulations to the children who are SO FAST that they have beaten Mrs Holt in a challenge today!


Thank you, dear God,

for the many kind people,

who help us along our way,

who smile when we’re happy,

who care when we’re tearful,

who keep us safe all through the day.
